Corec는 2차원 곡면의 등고선을 그려주는 procedure이다. 알고리즘에 대한 구체적인 정보는을 참고하면 된다. 예제는 그레이 영상의 픽셀값의 등고선을 pseudo coloring(jet(64) of matlab)을 이용해서 그린 것이다.
// CONREC is a contouring subroutine for rectangularily spaced data.
// It emits calls to a line drawing subroutine supplied by the user
// which draws a contour map corresponding to real*4data on a randomly
// spaced rectangular grid. The coordinates emitted are in the same
// units given in the x() and y() arrays.
// Any number of contour levels may be specified but they must be
// in order of increasing value.
// function for rounding off the pixels
int round(double n) {
return n > 0 ? int(n+.5): -int(-n+0.5);
struct Ridge {
double xs, ys;
double xe, ye;
double level;
Ridge() {}
Ridge(double xs, double ys, double xe, double ye, double level) :
xs(xs), ys(ys), xe(xe), ye(ye), level(level) {}
// Function for line generation
void DDALine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
int val, CRaster& raster)
double dx = (x2 - x1), dy = (y2 - y1);
double step;
if (abs(dx) >= abs(dy)) step = abs(dx);
else step = abs(dy);
if (step == 0) step = 1;
dx /= step; dy /= step;
double x = x1, y = y1;
int i = 0;
while (i++ <= step) {
raster.SetPixel(round(x), round(y), val);
x += dx; y += dy;
#define xsect(p1, p2) (h[p2] * xh[p1] - h[p1] * xh[p2]) / (h[p2] - h[p1])
#define ysect(p1, p2) (h[p2] * yh[p1] - h[p1] * yh[p2]) / (h[p2] - h[p1])
int conrec(std::vector<int*> &d, // matrix of data to contour
CRect rect, // left <= x < right; top <= y < bottom;
std::vector<int> &x, // data matrix column coordinates
std::vector<int> &y, // data matrix row coordinates
std::vector<double> &z,// contour levels in increasing order
std::vector<Ridge> &ridges)
int m1, m2, m3, sh[5];
double x1, x2, y1, y2;
double h[5], xh[5], yh[5];
const int im[4] = {0, 1, 1, 0}; //curr; right; right-bottom;bottom;
const int jm[4] = {0, 0, 1, 1};
const int castab[3][3][3] = {{{ 0, 0, 8}, { 0, 2, 5}, { 7, 6, 9}},
{{ 0, 3, 4}, { 1, 3, 1}, { 4, 3, 0}},
{{ 9, 6, 7}, { 5, 2, 0}, { 8, 0, 0}}};
for (int j = (rect.bottom-2); j >=; j--) {
for (int i = rect.left; i <= rect.right-2; i++) {
double dmin = min(min(d[j][i], d[j+1][i]), min(d[j][i+1], d[j+1][i+1]));
double dmax = max(max(d[j][i], d[j+1][i]), max(d[j][i+1], d[j+1][i+1]));
if (dmax < z.front() || dmin > z.back()) continue;
for (int k = z.size(); k-->0;) {
if (z[k] < dmin || z[k] > dmax) continue;
for (int m = 4; m >= 0; m--) {
if (m > 0) {
h[m] = d[j+jm[m-1]][i+im[m-1]] - z[k];
xh[m] = x[i+im[m-1]];
yh[m] = y[j+jm[m-1]];
} else {
h[0] = 0.25*(h[1] + h[2] + h[3] + h[4]);
xh[0] = 0.5*(x[i] + x[i+1]);
yh[0] = 0.5*(y[j] + y[j+1]);
if (h[m] > 0) sh[m] = 1;
else if (h[m] < 0) sh[m] = -1;
else sh[m] = 0;
for (int m = 1; m <= 4; m++) {
m1 = m; m2 = 0;
if (m != 4) m3 = m + 1;
else m3 = 1;
int case_value = castab[sh[m1]+1][sh[m2]+1][sh[m3]+1];
if (case_value == 0) continue;
switch (case_value) {
case 1:
x1 = xh[m1]; y1 = yh[m1];
x2 = xh[m2]; y2 = yh[m2];
case 2:
x1 = xh[m2]; y1 = yh[m2];
x2 = xh[m3]; y2 = yh[m3];
case 3:
x1 = xh[m3]; y1 = yh[m3];
x2 = xh[m1]; y2 = yh[m1];
case 4:
x1 = xh[m1]; y1 = yh[m1];
x2 = xsect(m2, m3); y2 = ysect(m2, m3);
case 5:
x1 = xh[m2]; y1 = yh[m2];
x2 = xsect(m3, m1); y2 = ysect(m3, m1);
case 6:
x1 = xh[m3]; y1 = yh[m3];
x2 = xsect(m1, m2); y2 = ysect(m1, m2);
case 7:
x1 = xsect(m1, m2); y1 = ysect(m1, m2);
x2 = xsect(m2, m3); y2 = ysect(m2, m3);
case 8:
x1 = xsect(m2, m3); y1 = ysect(m2, m3);
x2 = xsect(m3, m1); y2 = ysect(m3, m1);
case 9:
x1 = xsect(m3, m1); y1 = ysect(m3, m1);
x2 = xsect(m1, m2); y2 = ysect(m1, m2);
ridges.push_back(Ridge(x1, y1, x2, y2, z[k]));
return 0;
void contourMap(CRaster &raster, int level) {
CSize sz = raster.GetSize();
int W =, H =;
level = max(2, min(255, level)) ;
std::vector<int*> data(H);
std::vector<int> buff(W * H);
for (int y = 0; y < H; y++)
data[y] = &buff[y * W];
for (int y = 0; y < H; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < W; x++)
data[y][x] = raster.GetPixel0(x,y);
// 주어진 데이터의 sampling position;
std::vector<int> X(W), Y(H);
std::vector<double> Z(level);
for (int x = 0; x < W; x++) X[x] = x;
for (int y = 0; y < H; y++) Y[y] = y;
// height of levels;
for (int k = 0; k < level; k++) Z[k] = double(k) * 255.0 / (level-1) ;
//rc: bottom과 right는 포함안됨;
CRaster levelImg;
levelImg.SetDimensions(sz, 8);
std::vector<Ridge> ridges;
conrec(data, raster.GetRect(), X, Y, Z, ridges);
//drawing level-line;
for (int i = ridges.size(); i-->0;) {
Ridge &r =;
int a = int(r.level);
a = a < 0 ? 0: a > 255 ? 255: a;
DDALine(r.xs, r.ys, r.xe,, a, levelImg);
// pseudo coloring;
RGBQUAD *pPal = levelImg.GetPalettePtr();
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
int j = i * 4 + k;
pPal[j].rgbRed = colortable[3*i+0];
pPal[j].rgbGreen = colortable[3*i+1];
pPal[j].rgbBlue = colortable[3*i+2];
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