// labeling using depth-first search; non-recursive version;
int GetConnectedComponents(BYTE *image, int w, int h, int *table) {
    int label = 0;    // starting label = 1;
    std::vector<int> stack(w * h);
    // initialize the table;
    for (int k = w * h; k-->0;) 
        table[k] = image[k] ? -1: 0;  // Foreground = -1; Background = 0;

    for (int pos = w * h; pos-->0;) {
        if (table[pos] == -1) { // Foreground;
            ++label;            // assign next label;
            int top = -1;       // stack initialization;
            stack[++top] = pos;
            while (top >= 0) {
                int adj = stack[top--];
                int xx = adj % w;
                int yy = adj / w;
                if (table[adj] == -1) {// Foreground;
                    table[adj] = label;
                    // check 4-way connectivity;
                    if (xx + 1 < w) stack[++top] = adj + 1; //RIGHT;
                    if (yy + 1 < h) stack[++top] = adj + w; //BOTTOM;
                    if (yy > 0)     stack[++top] = adj - w; //TOP;
                    if (xx > 0)     stack[++top] = adj - 1; //LEFT;
    return label;    // total # of CCs;


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